The first and only patient-friendly preparation-free test to detect precancerous polyps and enable early intervention and cancer prevention
Redefining colorectal cancer screening
The C-Scan System is not approved in the United States and is currently an investigational device there. The system is approved in the E.U. and Israel but it is not available for sale in any jurisdiction. This website is not intended to provide medical advice for patients or healthcare providers.

In many cases colorectal cancer can be prevented – why wait?
The C-Scan system can detect precancerous polyps, the precursors of colorectal cancer.
~25% of the asymptomatic average-risk screening population presents benign polyps in the colon, with the potential to turn into cancer over time.
It can take as many as 10 to 15 years before a polyp develops into invasive cancer.

global colorectal cancer
incidence on the rise
CRC estimated new annual cases
CRC estimated related annual deaths
CRC estimated annual economic burden associated with CRC treatment
High Prevalence of Colorectal Polyps
1 in 4 of the asymptomatic average-risk screening population presents benign polyps in the colon, with the potential to turn into cancer over time

Screening Rates Remain Low
In the U.S., 1 in 3 adults, 50-75, is not getting screened as recommended

Most Commonly Diagnosed Cancers
Worldwide estimated figures, in millions, 2020
- Breast
- Lung
- 60% increase expected by 2030
- Prostate
- Stomach

Prevention is key to reducing the global colorectal cancer incidence and associated mortality.
Check-Cap is committed to redefining colorectal cancer screening and enabling early intervention and cancer prevention by overcoming many barriers to standard screening methods. We aim to drastically increase screening adherence worldwide and help millions of people stay healthy through preventive screening.